Watch Your Step! - Safe Training in Reinforcement Learning

We give an interactive introduction to curriculum learning and provide the theoretical background to understand and apply the method. In our experiments, we compare the students trained by the Optimized curriculum policy proposed by Turchetta et al.1 to students trained with our own curriculum policies. The full blog post can be found here. M. Turchetta, A. Kolobov, S. Shah, A. Krause, A. Agarwal. Safe Reinforcement Learning via Curriculum Induction. 2020. ↩︎ ...

August 1, 2022 · Marvin Sextro, Jonas Loos, Rong Guo


CovidPass offered the ability to add EU Digital Covid Vaccination Certificates as a pass into wallet apps. CovidPass accomplished this without sending personal data to a server and instead only used a hashed representation for the signing step. After CovidPass was used over 6 million times across the EU and translated into 11 languages, it was discontinued in June 2022 since iOS introduced a native way of adding EU Digital Covid Certificates to the wallet: Add verifiable COVID-19 vaccination information to Apple Wallet and Health. ...

July 1, 2021 · Marvin Sextro, Sören Busse, Hauke Tönjes


DuelRun is an app for the Apple Watch, which lets you run with your friends, no matter where they are. It is currently in open beta.

August 1, 2020 · Marvin Sextro, Max Zöch